August 6, 2011

{grab bag special}

I've decided that my house needs some cleaning out and that some of the things that I want to get ride of I'd put up here for all of you to have first dibs!

Ahh, aren't I nice?  :)

This will range in items.  Household stuff to kid clothes.  Some will be for a small price and some will be things that I'm just wanting to get rid of! start us off is a picture of a light house.  This is a very nice framed picture.  You know, the heavy-duty-kind?  We got this for our wedding and our bathroom in our old house was blue and white with light houses.  It was really cute, but when we moved we didn't redecorate that way and it has been sitting in a closet for 4 years now.  I'm not the kind of person to hold on to things, and this is just taking up space.  We are trying to become minimalists.  We really like the look!

So, the first person who leaves a comment saying they want this for their walls will get it.  If you live in town it's yours free.  If I have to ship it I will ask you to pay the shipping.

Trust me, this NEEDS someones nice wall to hang on.  Instead of my dark, cold, lonely closet.
And that closet is cold in the winter!

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