May 31, 2011

{Esther} ~ a Bible study

Have you ever been pushed by the Lord to DO something??  Well, I recently have gotten the nudge loud and clear!

I'm so excited about this I just had to get it up ASAP!  I bought this Esther bible study this morning from Lifeway Christian books and can't wait to share it with my friends and followers here!

It all started on the 21st of May when we had Sterling's birthday party at the park.  There was a party going on down the road at another shelter Esther was apparently turning 60, since almost everyone from her party showed up at our Sterling's 4th birthday (blog coming soon).  Some people even stayed for a few min. on the out skirts of the party!  You'd think since you didn't recognize anyone you would think it wasn't the right party!  Oh well.

After the party was over and we went home, unloaded, and vegged for a bit my mom, sister, niece, and I headed out to do some scrub shopping for my sister's new job. While out shopping we came across yet another lady by the name of Esther!  That's when the gal who worked at the shop told me about the Bible study on the book of Esther by Beth Moore.  "Ok Lord, I will read the book of Esther!  I've gotten the message!"  I thought to myself.

I told the gals at my Knowing Mom's group that I was going to do a summer bible study if any of them were interested in it.  Not hearing from anyone, except for a few no's, I passed it off to another time.  Just this week I've had two of the gals ask me if I was going to do the summer bible study!  "Ok Lord, I'm going!!"  So, this morning after returning things that I didn't use or need to various stores I took my money and headed to buy my Esther book.

I look forward to a summer of getting to know such a empowered woman!  If you would like to join me on this adventure  please submit a time that works for you so I can best   with the other ladies.  I also look forward to sharing with you about Esther as a walk with God this summer.

May 28, 2011

{Heart of the Matter} ~book review

So the other day I finally finished my book Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin.  I really do like the way she writes; simple easy reading and not too involved.  She has written four other books, which I've also read, and all are good.  In face one of her books just became a movie, Something Borrowed.  If you are going to read her books I would start with Something borrowed.  It was her first book and the one following it is a sequel.  While you don't have to read them in order she wrote them she will bring in character's from the previous books, which is kind of fun because you get this sense of what they're up to now.

Heart of the Matter is a great read, but very predictable, which did make it seem more of a Jr. High level book.  Reading it you pretty much knew what was going to happen you just didn't know when or how kind of a thing, which just kept me wanting to read.  I really didn't like the way that it ended.  I think she should have included an epilogue, and I wish there would have been more of a relationship between the two main women in the book Valerie and Tessa.

One thing that REALLY stood out to me in the book is a paragraph somewhat close to the beginning of the book when Tessa is talking to a good friend of her's in New York.  "It doesn't matter how many times I tell her that the grass is always greener and that I'm envious of her whirlwind social schedule, her hot dates (including a recent dinner with a Yankee outfielder), and her utter, blissful freedom--the kind of freedom you take for granted until you become a parent.  And it doesn't matter how often I confide my standard complaints of stay-at-home motherhood--namely, the frustration of ending a day no further ahead than where you started, and the fact that I sometimes spend more time with Elmo, Dora, and Barney than with the man I married.  None of this registers with her.  She still would trade lives with me in a heartbeat."   Sometimes I completely feel this way about my own life, even though I would never give up what I have I occasionally miss that kind of freedom!

Heart of the Matter really makes you think what would you do in their situation?  Read it and let me know here for some great debate.  There is even questions in the back of the book if you'd like to read it in a book club!  I waited for this to be in paperback, since I just didn't want to spend them money on hardback, but she does have a new book slated for 2012, which I might just have to stand in line for.

So, grab a copy and find out what happens between Valerie and Tessa, their friends and family.  I think you'll enjoy!!

The person who gives me the best thoughts on the book here on the blog I will buy Emily Giffin's next book "Where we Belong" for them when it comes out!

May 26, 2011

{Ryan & Nathan} ~ Portraits

Last Wednesday I met with Ryan and Nathan, and their mom Michelle.  Ryan and Nathan are twin boys who recently turned 14!  How much I say, "wouldn't it be nice to be _____ age again," I really don't think I'd like to be 14 again.  But I do have to say that Ryan & Nathan were fun to work with!  I definitely could see their personalities through this shoot.  These boys love football and basketball.  Nathan is a receiver while Ryan is the quarterback, and they love to hang with their friends.  Even though they said school is boring, which kid doesn't, they are excited to attend Blue Valley South West this coming fall.

These were some of my favorites from the shoot.  (Ryan - orange, Nathan - Blue)

Ryan and Nathan have a dog named pepper that joined us for a few pictures!  She was a great little dog, but did not like it when some bigger dogs came along the path for a walk.  In the end we got her to have some fun with the boys, and I got to capture some true smiles from them!!

May 19, 2011

{Sterling's Big Day}

Well, the day comes when I not only wish I had treasured the moments of the past year, but maybe did a little more.  Play a little more, paint a little more,  sing a little more, sleep a little more, and just took more pictures.  Ha, you think I would do that more, but I seem to forget to grab a camera.  Just as I did the night we left to do Sterling's birthday.  Even though his party isn't until this Saturday we wanted him to have a special day.  Birthday people, in our house, get to pick what to do and where to go for dinner.  Sterling chose to go to McDonald's for dinner and to go to the mall to jump.  We also played at the arcade and had ice cream!!  It was a fantastic 4 year old night!! Sterling got a Nerf sword from us for his birthday.  The new big thing for him.  He couldn't wait to get home and play outside with the neighbor kid, Max.

The very next day was also a big day for Sterling.  Not only did he get to bring treats and his very new sword to school, but it was his last day of "school" Too many milestones for this momma!  Pictured with Sterling below are his two teachers from the year.  Miss Stacie on the left and Miss Kelliegh on the right. I do have to say they are the best!  We really do love the Kids Day Out program.  Sterling will attend the preschool program they offer in the fall.

May 16, 2011

{Before & After} ~ office remodel

One week ago we finished a remodel that I've been wanting since starting photography.  We turned our once dining room, which sits at the front of our home, into my studio space for clients.  It took us almost a week to do, but now I have this beautiful space that I use.  Plus I love that the kids can watch t.v. while I work.  I do get way more done!!  I can also see them when they're playing outside, which is nice.

Our old space: the dining room.

Choosing colors.  What felt like an eternity standing in front of paint chips I finally decided on the grey and blue combo that I thought would work well with my black and white colors I wanted.  Here goes nothin'!!

Melissa came over to help with painting, kids, and moving a piano!  We did have fun I think!!  At least we listened to awesome music while doing it.  Brent finished the inside window framing, which turned out great.  After six long days of painting.  Four of which were painting just the trim, we finished.  

We just love our space, and I thought I would include a list of where the furniture came from for all you curious minds.

Desk:  World Market
Table and Easel: Hobby Lobby
Chair: Office Max
Lamp, Clock & Basket: Target 
Storage Containers: Wal-mart

May 13, 2011

{Animal Talks} ~ Ethan

Last week we got to spend one afternoon at the high school by Ethan's school to see the animals the science department has.  I guess we learned some stuff too!

Hedgehogs, bunnies, and chinchillas.  Do you think that works like lion's, tigers, and bears?  "OH MY!"

April finally got to touch a bunny....she's been trying to catch one at home for weeks now!

Tadpoles.  The ones in the green bucket are three weeks old and pretty much just looked like a tadpole.  The ones in the white bucket were 5-6 weeks old.  One of them had already grown hind legs.  It was kind of creepy.


Two different turtles.  One was the Kansas box turtle.... (I think)  Go ahead and count the stripes.  One is for each year of their life.  Just like a tree!  Cool huh?

This strange turtle lives under water, and has a funny snout that acts like a snorkel.  She was way harder than she looks.  I thought she was going to feel like a sting ray, but she didn't....

The kids really enjoyed the day at the school!

May 10, 2011

{Amelia & Eli} --Wedding

On April 16th Amelia and Eli joined together in Marriage.  It was an honor to be there to capture their memories.  Amelia is my husbands cousin, which made it super fun!  Eli will fit right into the family too!

Amelia and Eli met several years ago a youth lock in at a church, but they didn't start to date until several years later when they ran into each other again at a band practice that Eli was rehearsing in.  While there at the practice Eli thought Amelia was pretty cute and asked a friend for her number.  He then started to text her and in a few short months wedding bells were ringing!

Their wedding was very untraditional, but it was a down right BLAST!!!  A really fun couple.  Every time I rounded the corner I found myself with a belly ache!  The whole shindig took place at Gracepoint Church in the foyer.  This building used to be a movie theater back in the 70's.  It still has some of those movie theater characteristics.

Amelia's gown came from

Amelia saw this bouquet and decided to make her own!  It was truly amazing and so elegant.  Her shoes came from Toms.  If you've never heard of them you should check it out!  They donate money to help buy shoes for kids who don't have them.  

Amelia and Eli had a friend who had order these Jones Soda bottles that had their picture on them, including a story, as their center pieces.  You can order them too!  Check it out!

 Amelia's mom helping in her into her dress.  Love the smile on her face!

Before everyone arrived we managed to sneak outside to capture a few pictures of just the couple!

People started to show up around 1:00; mingling encouraged! Shortly after people started to get settled they were invited to snack on the bride and grooms favorite "snack" items.  I thought this idea was genius.  Another fun way to get to know the bride and groom.

Once everyone seemed to have eaten Amelia's dad, Eddie, gave a small speech and gave her away with a VERY special kiss.  Eli's dad married the couple.  Included in the ceremony was  the most awesome story about the two of them using as many movie titles as possible.

After the ceremony the couple had put together a game of "The Newlyweds" and played.  It was funny indeed.  The spokesman for the game was the perfect touch!  All the guys that are buddies asked me to take some goofy pictures of them after the wedding so we did that as well.  They were so hilarious!!

Afterwards we headed downtown to take pictures of just the happy couple.  These were my favorite...

Thanks Amelia and Eli for letting me shoot your very fun day!  Congratulations, may the Lord bless you with a wonderful marriage.
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